Appointment Information
Firstly, we want to say a big thank you for your patience and support during Covid19, we hope you and your family have stayed safe and well.
We cannot begin to tell you how much we are looking forward to welcoming you back to the practice.
Whilst we were told at the same time as you on national TV that we could reopen, it will take some time before services return to what you previously experienced as normal.
Initially, treatments that we can offer will be limited. This is due to the national and local guidelines, and the availability of equipment.
Be assured as soon as we can increase our service and treatments, we will do so.
As you know our infection control procedures have always been one of our top priorities. Keeping both you and our team safe and cared for is paramount to the service we provide
Considering the current pandemic and updated guidance from our governing bodies regarding infection control, we will be making some changes to our procedures.
Changes to our procedures are:
- Appointments will be managed to allow for social distancing between patients and to allow extra time for surgery cleaning. As a result, we will be seeing fewer patients in our working day.
- We will ask you, in advance, several questions relating to COVID 19. It is important that these questions are answered fully as they allow us to plan your treatment as safely as possible.
- Our team will have already asked you to update your contact details.
- Pre-payment will have been taken for your visit.
- You will have received a medical history form to complete and return via email along with any required consent forms.
- Please read any signs outside the practice. These may change considering updated guidance.
- We will ask you to telephone the practice on your arrival, the receptionist will inform you when you are safe to come in, please wait in your car when possible or if outside the front door at least 2 metres from other people.
- Please arrive on time, do not arrive early. The door will be locked until your appointment time.
- Except for children and patients with carers, patients should come alone.
- Please do not bring personal belongings where possible e.g. handbags. If you do need to bring them these will be stored outside the treatment room.
- On arrival, your temperature will be taken.
- We will ask you to use the hand sanitiser provided, please do your best to avoid touching anything in the practice.
- A distance of at least 2 metres must be observed if another patient or member of staff is present in the dental practice, except when you are being treated by a staff member in appropriate PPE.
- Staff will take you directly to the waiting area or surgery to see the dentist.
- The clinical team will be dressed in full PPE appropriate for your appointment. You will be asked to sit in the dental chair and may be asked to rinse with an anti-viral mouthwash. The dentist will then inspect your mouth. It is important that talking is limited in the surgery environment. If longer discussions are necessary regarding a treatment plan the dentist will either phone you or arrange a zoom meeting after the appointment.
- To limit the time in the communal areas, the clinical team will make your next appointment. You will not need to visit reception unless requested to do so, you should leave the practice immediately, sanitising your hands on the way out.
- If you show symptoms of COVID 19 following appointment booking, you should contact the practice by phone. Please do not put others at risk.
- Please do not arrive without an appointment. No appointments can be made at reception, they must be made over the telephone.
Thanks for your understanding and cooperation
Marie Lou, Jack and all the team